40-ish Hour Work Weeks

It’s the expectation that you work right about 40 hours per week. Try not to work much more or much less. There might be occasions where you are asked to do more but this should be very rare.

Don’t Overdo It

Do your work, and have a life, 40 hours a week is plenty. Never feel pressure to let your job become all consuming. We are all better with and for each other when we have adequate time for our family, friends, and hobbies.

Flexible Time

Everyone is expected to be working and generally available for 4-hours during the hours of 10 am to 3 pm EST. For people on the East Coast this might typically be 10-12 and 1-3 with an hour lunch break in the middle. The intent is to provide sufficient overlap of work hours for all staff so that anything requiring real time communication or coordination can happen at a predictable time. The other four hours of your workday can be done at your discretion.

Some suggestions/guidelines:

Obviously, when you are on PTO, out sick, or doing some work-event (i.e., conference) this doesn’t apply.