We value independent thinkers

We foster the ability to take ownership and make decisions, and the ability to try out solutions or approaches to see what we can learn from them. Our work is not limited by our job descriptions or titles. Everyone has a voice and everyone is acknowledged and heard.

We are not shy about learning in the open

We accept the fact that while we all have our area of expertise, no one knows everything there is to know about what they're working on. We're able to say, "I don't know, but I can find out," and to learn from each other.

We can all ask and answer, “Why?”

We're a mature team that treats each other with respect. We converse with each other in good faith, with objectivity. We value a willingness to take on opposing perspectives and avoid logical fallacies. Whether you're interacting with your co-workers or working on a product, you can and should ask “Why?” of anything that raises the question for you. In the same vein, we are prepared to answer a “Why?” from someone else.

We are autonomous

We're a remote-first company. We guide ourselves in all things. We collaborate asynchronously and work autonomously. This helps ensure everyone has the space for both work and personal life, and means that we'll create a better company together.

🏅 Your Success at ZibaSec

Here are a few things that can help you succeed as part of our team.

  1. Clear and straightforward communication. When communicating with people inside or outside the company, avoid fluff and business-speak. Be authentic. Be straight to the point. Strive to make sense at face value. Save abstractions and analogies for deeply technical discussions where they may actually be useful to explain complicated ideas.
  2. Be respectful. Treat folks (both within and outside our organization) as they would like to be treated. Do what you feel is right, as a human. If someone's behavior makes you uncomfortable, let anyone you're comfortable with in leadership know.
  3. Work at work, nowhere else. If you are not at work, do not send or reply to any type of work communication. Do not code for ZibaSec outside of your work hours. Only very rarely, and in exceptional circumstances, will you be needed urgently.
  4. Inconvenient honesty will not be punished. If you’re stuck, don’t feel comfortable with a proposed deadline, feel conflict with another colleague, or you’re simply in need of some rest and relaxation, be honest about it. We are all human. On the flip side, if someone is honest and sincere in their feedback, respect their bravery. If someone feels conflict with you and musters up the courage to express it to you, take it as an invitation for self-reflection and improvement.