Every employee in the company will be given company credit card access for work-related expenses (and for Professional Development Budget).

When you first start at ZibaSec, you’ll be issued a laptop of your choice. This is the only thing we’ll buy ahead of time for you. If you need an extra monitor, external mouse or keyboard, or anything of that nature, you’ll be free to buy it using the company card. You’ll be asked to submit the receipt promptly via the Divvy app (guidance below).

We don’t have a formal expense policy. If there is something you feel you need, buy it and expense it (within reason!). No, you don’t need a $40,000 Mac Pro, no you don’t need $3,000 8K monitor. We expect you to be mindful of company assets (including money) and responsible with spending. We trust you.

NOTE: If we find a pattern of issues/abuse in regards to usage of the company card, we reserve the right to remove this privilege and require repayment of any erroneous charges.

If you go to a conference on behalf of ZibaSec (as a speaker or because we’re sponsoring) then we will cover your meals. We don’t want you to rely on the dollar-menu but also don’t eat Champagne and Caviar every night.

If you ever have questions about conference travel or need guidance about what “spend it wisely” means, just ask!

Asset Tracking

As a company we want to keep track of all our assets. As a rule of thumb, if what you purchase has a serial number, then please submit the information to our asset tracker.


We use Divvy as our credit card and expense tracking provider. You will be issued access to the platform and a physical credit card (the physical card usually takes about two weeks to arrive at our office).



All employees have access to two budgets which are visible in the Budgets area of the Divvy webapp.

  1. Expense Account: There is a limit of $2000.00. We don’t expect you to need to go above this within a given calendar year but we are happy to consider exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Professional Development: This is set to $4500.00.

Both budgets expire on the last day of the year and you’ll get a new budget on January 1st.

Virtual Credit Cards

Virtual credit cards within Divvy allow you to generate a unique credit card number ad-hoc.