Doing things on the side isn’t prohibited outright but does require balance.

General Rules

These are some general rules-of-thumb for figuring out if it is okay:

In general we’d like to be lenient within reason, but we’re going to be strict if we see it impact your time, attention, or performance here at work.

It’s hard to come up with one-size fits all rules. If you’re in doubt, please reach out to Dan or J..

This is Okay

  1. Friend-driven gigs, such as whipping up a simple website or blog for a friend or community you are part of.
  2. Speaking gigs that don’t consume multiple days to prepare or deliver (unless you use your PTO)
  3. Your own business as long it requires very little of your time.
  4. Advise or be on a board (again, no more than a few hours per month).
  5. Volunteering to the extent it doesn’t take you out of your work day (unless you are on PTO)

This is Not Okay

  1. No full or part time jobs in our industry.
  2. Doing a speaker circuit tour where you’re going to be out multiple time during the year.
  3. Consult or work with other companies that have overlapping or competing value propositions with our own products.
  4. Being super public about looking for side work on social media